
become a Member

Club membership is open to anybody who has reached the age of 18.

Owning a Cadillac is not absolutely necessary, but there should be the love for these special symbols of the "gas-guzzler-era" - maybe you will find your dream car among our club ...

The membership fee is € 65.00 for the calendar year. In addition, a one-time admission fee of € 51.13 is payable.

If you are interested in joining the club, please download the membership application form from here. Please fill it out (leave no gaps) and send it by post to our first Chairman.

You can find our articles of association and the contribution regime for download (german language only) in the left menu.

2. Vorstand/Executive Vice President
Dirk Warwel
Sanddornweg 12b
22926 Ahrensburg
Tel.: +49 4102 1258
E-Mail: vorstand [at]

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